Author: Jen-Chih Kuo
(Department of Finance, Yuan Ze University)
Title: The influence of measurement errors in beta on estimation and testing
in asset pricing
Keywords: errors-in-variables,
asset pricing
Pages: 32 pages
Methodology: simulation.
Contribution: Even if CAPM is assumed true, the low power
of rejecting the false null hypothesis, resulted from the EIV, could present
the high probability to contradict the CAPM under some sample size and/or
market conditions.
Main literature background:
Shanken (1992) “On estimation of beta pricing models”, RFS 5, 1-34.
Shanken (1992) presents a
formal econometric analysis of the
two-pass methodology.
The estimation error in the first-pass
betas impacts the asymptotic standard error of the second-pass risk premium estimator.
Kuo (2014) illustrates the
contribution and validity of Shanken (1992).
Question: What are the merits
and necessity of implementing SIMULATION instead of implementing empirical
studies? Especially,
Kan, Robotti and Shanken
(2013) “Pricing model performance and the two-pass cross-sectional regression
methodology”, JF, 68(6), 2617-2649.
Examining eight prominent
asset pricing models via US empirical data gathered from the websites of
high-profile scholars, such as Fama and French, etc.
意見提供者:劉任昌 (德明財經科技大學財務金融系助理教授)