2015年3月26日 星期四


增加以下與公司董事會相關之文獻,如總審計調整數顯著影響公司監察人簽核年報時間(Fan, Chen, Lee and Hsieh, 2008),財報之資產減損提列規模顯著影響上傳財報時間(Fan, Lin, and Chen, 2013),裁決性應計項目程度或轉投資比例愈高者,半年報申報時間愈晚(Lin, Huang, Sin and Shih, 2007)。以及部分公司在除息日後超過100天才發放現金,原因是公司利用同時進行之現金增資除權,而流入的現金,再流出支付予股東(Liu, Tseng, and Lu, 2015)。


Fan, Chen, Lee, and Hsieh (2008)
The timeliness of financial reports is recognized by the accounting profession, the users of accounting information, the regulatory and professional agencies as an important characteristic of financial reporting (Soltani, 2002) and universally debated by capital market participants. This paper adopts aggregate audit
adjustment, which is defined as the difference between client’s pre-audited preliminary earnings (i.e. self-reported preliminary earnings) and post-audited reporting earnings, to proxy the listed firm’s earnings management intentions. This measure enables the present study to capture the interactions between managers’ decisions on how to management earnings and auditors’ decisions on how to prevent earnings management by requiring adjustment of the client’s financial statements. The other benefit of such measure allows us to avoid the difficulty or measurement bias of using ex post audited accounting information to assess the listed firms’ earnings management intentions. Following Fan and Chen (2007), this study defines the financial report lag based on supervisor report day. The empirical results evidence that all aggregate audit adjustment measures are positively associated with the financial report lags. The Empirical findings of these kinds provide support to the conjecture and confirm the view that the interactions between managers’ decisions on how to management earnings and auditors’ decisions on how to prevent earnings management by requiring adjustment of the client’s financial statement have played critical roles in determining the timeliness of financial reports. These results remain robust to the various specification tests.

Fan, Lin and Chen (2013)
Prior studies document that the recognition of asset impairments would drive stock prices down. In addition, managers might recognize the asset impairments to manipulate earnings, and earnings management would increase audit risk. To reduce this negative influence on stock prices for listed firms and audit risk for auditors, they have motivations to negotiate over the recognition of asset impairments, which, in turn, delays declaring the financial statements. Based on the unbalanced panel data-fixed effect models, the empirical results of this study support the hypothesis that financial report lags increase because of the recognition of an asset impairment, and the larger amount of the asset impairment causes the longer financial report lag. These results provide some evidence to understand the possible economic effect of SFAS No.35 on financial reporting timeliness.

I have had to completely re-edit the other section. It has not been proofread.  Since yesterday, I've had to correct such simple errors as smile (instead of similar), vocation (when vacation is meant), misspelling of firm, patter (instead of pattern), and the list goes on. And then there's the grammar...  You will need to look through again and see my notes.

Tables: l have some queries. Although I can guess, I need to be 100% sure.

Table 4: please clarify what you mean:
dynamic transition relations
emigration states
Migration matrix of clustering tendency of shareholders’ meeting from 2004 to 2005

Table 7:  The numbers of events Data: TEJ. Please clarify.

Table 8:  The table is too wide and I cannot view all the text.

By the way, I notice that you keep talking about histograms, when you mean columns.  A histogram is a kind of chart.
Also the verbs you need to use with ceiling are lower or higher.  A ceiling is referred to in terms of height, not breadth, so narrower is not appropriate.
Although we have heard long-standing anecdotes of selecting particular dates by firms, this paper verifies this tendency.
2010 and 2011.

2012, 2013, and 2014

  • Table 1 presents the top 20 most commonly chosen dates for holding shareholder meetings.

The China Post staff
May 8, 2007, 12:00 am TWN
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) yesterday voted to distribute NT$3 in cash dividends per share and a 0.5 percent stock dividend (five shares for each 1,000 owned) as a way to distribute the firm’s 2006 profits.

The resolution was passed at the company’s annual shareholders’ meeting, in which several important figures were present, including Morris Chang, TSMC chairman, Carly Fiorina and Lester Thurow, both independent directors.
The shareholders’ meeting took longer than expected as individual investors took turns to voice their worries and concerns.
Specifically, individual investors questioned the company’s employee bonus plan, saying TSMC employees got more money in bonuses than they did in dividends.
TSMC plans to distribute NT$4.572 billion in cash bonuses and 457 million shares in stock bonuses to its employees, a move that angered some individual investors.
“There are some 20,000 employees at TSMC. With the stock bonus plan, each employee can get 22,000 shares,” one investor said. “But there are only 40 million shares to be split among 460,000 shareholders, each one getting about 87 shares. This is really unfair.”
Chairman Chang responded by saying there was nothing wrong with the company’s bonus plan.
“This is something that we have done for quite some time,” Chang said. “This is just a way for us to retain and reward workers. It’s their effort that made TSMC a huge success.”
Also present at the shareholders’ meeting were Carly Fiorina and Lester Thurow, independent directors of TSMC. The company places a heavy focus on corporate governance and transparency and has therefore hired the two as independent directors.
The United Daily Evening News reported that Fiorina, former chairwoman of Hewlett-Packard, gets an annual salary of over NT$20 million from TSMC. At one point of the meeting, one shareholder blasted Fiorina for failing to create the kind of synergy that was expected from the HP-Compaq merger.
Chang defended Fiorina’s honor, saying: “Please do not hit someone where it hurts. I still have an important job for her.”
Chang however did not specify what job he had in mind.
  • 18th: 國曆2004-06-15(星期二)四月二十八日乙丑日
宜:祭祀 齋醮 塑繪 開光 出行 修造 動土 造畜稠 安床 放水 掘井 開池 開廁 結網 破土
忌:出火 入宅
  • 8th: 國曆2005-06-14(星期二)五月八日己已日(同20th)
宜:嫁娶 合帳 裁衣 冠笄 伐木 上樑 出火 拆卸 移徙 修造 動土 安門 納財 築堤 栽種 塞穴
忌:安床 祈福 出行 安葬 行喪 開光
  • 20th: 國曆2006-06-09(星期五)五月十四日己已日(Cathay)
宜:嫁娶 合帳 裁衣 冠笄 伐木 上樑 出火 拆卸 移徙 修造 動土 安門 納財 築堤 栽種 塞穴
忌:安床 祈福 出行 安葬 行喪 開光
  • 7th: 曆2006-06-14(星期三)五月十九日甲戍日

宜:嫁娶 納采 祭祀 祈福 出行 立券 移徙 入宅 動土 破土 安葬

忌:開光 作灶 賓?架馬 開倉

  • 4th: 國曆2007-06-13(星期三)四月二十八日戊寅日
宜:納采 冠笄 求醫 治病 開市 立券 修造 動土 安機械 破土 安葬
忌:齋醮 祭祀 移徙 入宅 上樑 嫁娶
  • 5th: 國曆2007-06-15(星期五)五月一日庚辰日(Cathay)
宜:祭祀 祈福 求嗣 齋醮 安香 解除 移徙 入宅 會親友 求醫 治病 動土 破土 開生墳 合壽木
忌:合帳 上樑 經絡 安葬 入殮
  • 1st: 國曆2008-06-13(星期五)五月十日甲申日(Cathay)
宜:開光 求嗣 出行 冠笄 嫁娶 伐木 架馬 開柱眼 修造 移徙 入宅 開市 交易 立券 出行 安香 出火 掛匾 起基 修造 開生墳 合壽木 入殮 除服 成服 移柩 安葬
忌:安床 出貨財 作灶 動土 破土
  • 和6月13日及19日進行比較:國曆2008-06-12(星期四)五月九日癸未日
宜:嫁娶 訂盟 納采 冠笄 會親友 安機械 造車器 祭祀 出行 納財 入宅 安香 出火 入學 塑繪 開光 拆卸 起基 修造 動土 牧養 栽種 安門 開廁
忌:行喪 伐木 作樑 作灶
  • 和6月13日及19日進行比較:國曆2008-06-20(星期五)五月十七日辛卯日
宜:祭祀 捕捉 取漁 修飾垣牆 餘事勿取
  • 17th: 國曆2008-06-19(星期四)五月十六日庚寅日
宜:訂盟 納采 會親友 進人口 彫刻 拆卸 修造 動土 起基 開市 栽種 納畜 牧養 入殮 除服 成服 移柩 破土 安葬

  • 6th: 國曆2009-06-10(星期三)五月十八日丙戍日
  • 宜:安機械 移徙 入宅 出行 祭祀 祈福 齋醮 納采 訂盟 安香 出火 解除 會親友 修造 動土 拆卸 起基 定磉 移徙 入宅 蓋屋 安床 修造 破土 安葬 入殮 立碑
    忌:開市 伐木 作樑 作灶

  • 3rd: 國曆2009-06-16(星期二)五月二十四日壬辰日

    • 宜:嫁娶 納采 祭祀 祈福 求醫 治病 出行 動土 移徙 入宅
      忌:開市 安門
      • 2nd: 國曆2009-06-19(星期五)五月二十七日乙未日(Cathay)
      宜:訂盟 納采 出行 祈福 齋醮 安床 會親友
      忌:移徙 入宅 安葬


      2008/06/04 Wednesday
      2009/06/15 Monday

      • However, under the new regulations, if a firm has a particular preference for a meeting date, it has to register that date in early January, as a precaution that the preferred date will not be fully booked by other firms.
      • Firms who had held the shareholders’ meetings on 19 June 2009 did not show inclination to the next year’s most chosen date, 15 June 2010 (Panel F of Table 4). Instead, these firms were more likely to hold meetings on 18 June 2010 (30.2%) or on other dates (28.4%) that are not listed in Table 3. 
      第 1 筆
      作者:洪秀芬 引用關係

       第 2 筆
      作者:周振鋒 引用關係

       第 3 筆
      作者:林郁馨 引用關係

       第 4 筆
      作者:林國彬 引用關係

       第 5 筆
      作者:王志誠 引用關係

       第 6 筆
      作者:姚志明 引用關係

       第 7 筆
      作者:陳俊仁 引用關係

       第 8 筆
      作者:賴源河 引用關係/郭土木 引用關係

       第 9 筆
      作者:戴銘昇 引用關係

       第 10 筆
      作者:戴銘昇 引用關係

