2015年8月19日 星期三

Attitude and Belief

原來標題是「管理學期刊作者隱匿資訊之研究」。"The main purpose of this paper is to introduce how the SNA applies on the TM studies."

Fishbein, M. and I. Ajzen (1975). Belief, Attitude, Intention and Behavior: An Introduction to Theory and Research, Boston: Addison-Wesley.

"The foundation for our conceptual framework is provided by our distinction between beliefs, attitudes, intentions, and behaviors. The major concern of the conceptual framework, however, is with the relations between these variables."(p. 14)

Chapter 5 Belief Formation

"Generally speaking, beliefs refer to a person's subjective probability judgments concerning some discriminable aspect of his world; they deal with the person's understanding of himself and his environment; they deal with the person's understanding of himself and his environment. Specifically, we have defined belief as the subjective probability of a relation between the object of the belief and some other object, value, concept, or attribute. Thus a person may believe that he possesses certain attributes, that a given behavior will lead to certain consequences, that certain events occur contiguously, etc."(p. 131)
contiguous: 1. touching; in contact. 2. in close proximity without actually touching; near. 3. adjacent in time. (http://dictionary.com/)
"This definition implies that belief formation involves the establishment of a link between any two aspects of an individual's world."(p. 131)
"One obvious source of information about such a relationship is direct observation; that is, a person may perceive (via any of his sense modalities) that a given object has a certain attribute." (p. 132)

Chapter 7 Formation of Intentions

"In the preceding two chapters we examined factors influencing the formation of beliefs and attitudes and showed that attitudes are determined by a person's salient beliefs. The present chapter is concerned with the formation of intentions. We have defined intention as a person's location on a subjective probability dimension involving a relation between himself and some action. A behavioral intention, therefore, refers to a person's subjective probability that he will perform some behavior." (p. 288)
"The broad outline of our conceptual framework in Chapter 1 indicated that according to this model, a person's intention or perform a behavior is determined by two factors: his attitude toward the behavior and his subjective norm concerning that behavior. Following exposition of the model, we shall review some of the relevant empirical evidence." (p. 288) 賈伯斯的態度,以及主觀規範。

subsume: 1. to consider or include (an idea, term, proposition, etc.) as part of a more comprehensive one. 2. to bring (a case, instance, etc.) under a rule. 3. to take up into a more inclusive classification. (http://dictionary.com/)

"In Chapter 2 we noted that intentions have frequently been subsumed under the concept of attitude and that no distinction between attitude and intention has usually been made. This point of view implies a strong relation between attitudes and intentions. The usual assumption is that the more favorable a person's attitude toward some object, the more he will intend to perform positive behaviors (and less he will intend to perform negative behaviors) with respect to that object." (p. 288)

"On the basis of Dulany's (1968) theory, Feshbein (1967b) proposed that a person's intention to perform a given behavior is a function of two basic determinants, one attitudinal and the other normative. The attitudinal component refers to the person's attitude toward performing the behavior in question; the normative component (i.e., the subjective norm) is related to the person's beliefs that relevant referents think he should or should not perform the behavior and his motivation to comply with the referents. Thus the formation of a given intention depends on the prior formation of a particular attitude (i.e., attitude toward the behavior in question) and of a particular belief (i.e., subjective norm). In previous chapters we have shown that different processes underlie the formation of beliefs and attitudes. The present chapter demonstrates that still different processes are involved in the formation of intentions." (p. 332)

"We found that intention to perform a given behavior is related to particular kinds of attitudes and beliefs, namely, attitudes toward the behavior and subjective norms concerning performance of the behavior."(p. 511)

What is the difference between attributes, characteristics, and personality?

